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Sodium chloride evaporation equipment

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The solubility of sodium chloride is generally around 36%, and the fluctuation with temperature is relatively small. Based on the characteristics of saline wastewater, tube type falling film evaporators and crystallization evaporators have been developed specifically. Tube type falling film evaporators are mainly used for wastewater concentration, while crystallization evaporators are mainly used for crystallization of saline wastewater. The entire wastewater evaporation system is very suitable for treating saline wastewater. When the salt content in the wastewater is relatively low, a multi effect falling film evaporator is used to concentrate the wastewater to a nearly saturated state, and then it enters the crystallization evaporator for further evaporation and crystallization. The concentrated solution containing crystal salt at the bottom of the crystallization evaporator continuously enters the salt tank, where the crystal salt and water are separated. The crystal salt enters the salt storage tank, and the separated salt water then enters the crystallization evaporator for evaporation and crystallization.

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